Ajna Sound & Art 

Healing Center

Ajna Healing Center 

Provides a unique space to let go of  the stress of everyday life and unwind in sound vibration of singing bowls, hang drum, chimes, drums, flutes, and gongs.  Allow the waves of sound to bring calming energy to your mind, body, and spirit. 

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations.         

- Nikola Tesla

Why Ajna?

Ajna is the third eye chakra and is pronounces "Agna".  It is the center of perception, consciousness, and intution.  Ajna represents illumination, light, and is the focal point of asana meditation.  According to yoga traditions, the subtle body is where your energy flows.  The subtle body has seven vortexes of energy, known as chakras.  When energy becomes blocked in a chakra, physical mental or emotional pain can occur.  Ajna, the six chakra, is located between your brows and is known as the third-eye chakra.  When ajna is functioning well, you trust your intuition.  When is is blocked, you become closed minded.  

Sound healing helps bring balance to all seven chakra and restores balance to your flow of energy.